Monday 24 July 2017

Review: prints from

Hi guys, its been the longest of time time since we last spoke. A lot has changed in the last 18 months, I graduated last year, now I'm doing my masters in public health, which i round up in a couple of months time.
Any ways  enough catching up, today I'm reviewing a print of a picture I photographed a couple months back. it was an African-themed shoot. Got a lovely friend of mine to pose in a Kente fabric (from Ghana) with face paints. I got the print from saal-digital a week ago and I'm here to review it. The digital copy of the picture and the prints i got are both below.

This is the digital copy

These are the prints

I got an Alu-dibon butlerfinish print. Im impressed by the amount of detail in the print, i actually expected the pixels to be messed up and all that, it doesn't reflect those sunlight, so its always visible (like retina display on screens). The delivery period was really short, they delivered through DHL, in terms of pricing, it was all for about £55 pounds, but i was given a discount for reviewing their prints so i only paid £5 (FAM, I GOT 50 QUID OFF).
i general I'm really impressed with the prints, im looking to get a larger one, i just need to work on my research work for now...... and then improve my photography skills.
Bye for now guys. godspeed :)

Wednesday 13 January 2016

EyeEm Photo of the week.

Hi guys, I haven't had so much time on my hand to take any pictures or go on any adventure cos it's exam period and  I have a lot of chemical reactions and pathways to learn. Anyways, since the last week, the most important thing that has happened was that one of my pictures made it to the EyeEm pictures of the week, they had thirty pictures put up and mine was one. I haven't sold any pictures of late anyways so yay me!

I would upload the edited (submitted) Photograph but it might just play against my ability to sell them so here you go, make lemonade with that........ or banana split.
This was one of the pictures i took during my stay in Nairobi last Christmas; i wanted to have a picture of something more natural, more like an African scene cos tesco wasn't doing it for my eyes.
 These are our most recent posts from Lens and art
I took this one sometime during the summer when all my friends left me to die from boredom. 
         Shutter speed-1/250

This shot was from last Thursday with my infrared remote control. I turned all the lights off except that one, Wanted to create a melancholic portrait but it didn't turn out as well as I thought
        Title- Hiding in the Light
         Shutter speed-1/50
        All picture shot with Nikon D3200
I really don't have much to say so i'm just going to end here, Wish you guys a beautiful 'rest of the week'

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Welcome to Abdulrasheed HD!

Hi, I'm not really sure how to run a blog or even start one, I'm just going to introduce myself in the easiest way I possibly can....... which is usually boring. Just in case you didn't pick it up, I'm largely considered a boring person. I am Abdulrasheed Yusuf, a Nigerian, final year student studying pharmacology at the University of Liverpool. 
 I promise I am interesting if you get to know me, or maybe my friends just say so to make me feel good about myself. Anyways, I'm an amateur photographer who isn't sure if he wants to live the rest of his life as a scientist or a professional photographer. Currently, I run an EyeEm account where I sell some of my pictures and a photography account on instagram, alongside a lovely lady, we call it Lens and art (@lensandart). We post pictures of different scenes (mainly in Liverpool) that'll grab your attention.......hopefully. I also help my brother take pictures for his franchise Cold locker, you should check it out; there are so many really nice outfits on there.

I'm very comfortable taking pictures of landscape, architecture and animals; I kinda struggle with portraits cos I'm not particularly good at posing people (or myself) and I'm not sure I should be sharing my weaknesses with you now, its only our first date.......yeah, whatever. 
Both pictures above were taken during my trip to Nairobi last year. I needed to be in a different environment for some time after almost two years within school premises. Anyways I knew it wouldn't be complete if I didn't add a picture of something in Liverpool so here you go.

                         The weeping window at St.George's Hall. 
I will be posting weekly blogs about my pictures and the thought (behind the scenes, if you may) behind the pictures and some random stuffs. Anyways have a pleasant day ahead.